- Full-stack web development (Preferably Backend)
- Cloud computing, cloud-based system deployment
- Machine Learning and Deep learning based system implementation, GenAI-based agent and Chatbots development
- System design, analysis, testing and review
- Linux Server configuration, task automation, security testing
- Blockchain-based technology development and deployment
- Android app development and Android security
These are some of the technologies I worked with on different projects:
- Python, Golang, Java, C, C++, JS (TypeScript)
- PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, Sqlite
- Raw SQL, Go pg ORM, Django ORM, Hibernate ORM, Ormlite (Android)
- Cryptographic algorithms, APIs, encryption-decryption schemes
- Security tools: OWASP Zap, BURP Suite, Metasploit, and related tools
- Android Security: Instrumentation (using Soot), MobSF, Androl4b, Tcpdump, Drozer, etc.
- Linux Security: Server hardening, Firewall (Ufw, Cisco ASA) setup, SELinux, Netcat, Nmap, OpenVPN server setup, Tor, etc.
- Frameworks: Django and Django Rest Framework, Echo (Golang), React JS, Java Fx
- Cloud Services: Firebase, AWS, Google Cloud, IBM Bluemix
- Chatbot tech: Dialog Flow, Alexa skill, IBM Watson
- ML/ Deep learning: Jupyter notebook, Sklearn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras, etc
- Data science related: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tableau, etc
- Android development: Android Native, Flutter
- Networking tools: Wireshark, Packet tracer, GNS3 simulation, etc.
- Blockchain tech: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smart contracts, Solidity, IPFS, Filecoin, etc
- DevOps and PaaS: Git, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Heroku
- Web crawling: Beautiful soup 4, Selenium, OpenWPM, headless browsers
- Hardware: Assembly, MIPS, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
- Linux server configuration, Shell scripting, Makefile
- Serverless Framework with AWS Lambda